Managing 2020 CROPLAN® Hybrids In The Mississippi Delta

Mar 05, 2020

Managing 2020 CROPLAN��Hybrids in the
Another planting season is nearly upon us , and there is nothing like the anticipation of getting out into the fields to seed your crop. Like every year , there are a number of quality CROPLAN® corn hybrids to choose from - each of which contain dual modes of action for maximum protection against corn earworm and other ear-feeding insects through the VT Double PRO® trait.
WinField® United Technical Seed Agronomist Jeff Pangle says four products in particular are exceptionally well suited for the Mississippi Delta , so the odds are good that one or more of them will find a home in your fields this year.
Let’s take a closer look at the qualities these hybrids possess , where to best place them , and the management practices that will help you maximize their yield potential.

If you’re blessed with high performing fields , CROPLAN CP5678VT2P and CP1447VT2P corn hybrids are an excellent pair for your acres. Both have a high Response to Nitrogen (RTN) score , so they’re ideal for the grower who likes to target top-end yields of 225-240 bu/A by pushing N levels.
A leader product in the Mississippi Delta , CP5678VT2P will be in its third year of production in 2020 and it continues to increase in popularity thanks to its strong yield potential.
“Growers like the canopy coverage this medium-sized plant offers ,” Pangle notes. “Its wide , bushy leaves do a great job in keeping weed pressure at bay later in the season - especially in the 38-inch ‘cotton rows’ that farmers often plant to in the region.”
CP5678VT2P is a 116-day relative maturity (RM) hybrid that performs best in medium to lighter soil types. It has good roots , good stalk strength , above average staygreen and excellent test weight.
According to 2019 Answer Plot® data , CP5678VT2P performs best under medium populations in high yield environments , with enhanced N levels and intense irrigation practices helping push top-end yield potential.
As a 114-day RM hybrid , the earlier maturity of CP1447VT2P makes it a perfect companion product to CP5678VT2P – helping you spread out in-season crop management practices and harvest. It also offers increased durability , allowing it to handle more stress. The hybrid has very good roots and stalk strength , excellent test weight and above average staygreen. Like its counterpart , it’s also expected to be planted on more acres in 2020.
Pangle says CP1447VT2P averaged the highest yields in the on-farm corn core block demonstrations that Louisiana State University (LSU) performed at 16 locations across 12 parishes in 2019. CP5678VT2P also scored well , coming in fourth.*

When growers expand their corn footprint in the Mississippi Delta , they are usually forced to plant into tougher acres. If this describes your situation , you’ll likely find that CROPLAN CP5340VT2P and CP1717VT2P will be a strong pair for your fields.
“Both can be planted at lower populations and managed with lower inputs , while still achieving yields that could reach into the neighborhood of 180-200 bu/A under the right conditions ,” he adds.
A proven performer in the Delta , CP5340VT2P does well across all soils and is a leader product in tough to medium acres. It is a 113-day RM hybrid that has excellent ear flex , so you can still maximize yield potential when planting at lower populations. It has excellent roots and stalk strength and excellent to very good tolerance to heat and drought stress. Its staygreen and test weight scores are average. Pangle adds that the hybrid’s low Response to Population (RTP) and RTN scores are the leading factors in why it performs so well in tough acres.
CP1717VT2P is a full-season , 117-day RM corn hybrid , making it a great companion product to CP5340VT2P. It is a great play in heavy ground and is a tall , robust plant with an excellent canopy - qualities that are typical of your traditional Delta-style hybrid. It also has very good roots and test weight , good stalk strength , average staygreen and big , girthy ears. 
“Like its counterpart , CP1717VT2P also has excellent ear flex ,” Pangle concludes. “It excels under lower populations and lower N levels.”
For more customized information about managing these and other leading CROPLAN corn hybrids on your fields this year , consult your local GreenPoint AG crop specialist. You can always count on them to help you fine-tune the populations and input levels for your acres.

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